1,168 research outputs found

    Domestic dog demographic structure and dynamics relevant to rabies control planning in urban areas in Africa: the case of Iringa, Tanzania

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    <p>Background Mass vaccinations of domestic dogs have been shown to effectively control canine rabies and hence human exposure to rabies. Knowledge of dog population demography is essential for planning effective rabies vaccination programmes; however, such information is still rare for African domestic dog populations, particularly so in urban areas. This study describes the demographic structure and population dynamics of a domestic dog population in an urban sub-Saharan African setting. In July to November 2005, we conducted a full household-level census and a cross-sectional dog demography survey in four urban wards of Iringa Municipality, Tanzania. The achievable vaccination coverage was assessed by a two-stage vaccination campaign, and the proportion of feral dogs was estimated by a mark-recapture transect study.</p> <p>Results The estimated size of the domestic dog population in Iringa was six times larger than official town records assumed, however, the proportion of feral dogs was estimated to account for less than 1% of the whole population. An average of 13% of all households owned dogs which equalled a dog:human ratio of 1:14, or 0.31 dogs per household or 334 dogs km-2. Dog female:male ratio was 1:1.4. The average age of the population was 2.2 years, 52% of all individuals were less than one year old. But mortality within the first year was high (72%). Females became fertile at the age of 10 months and reportedly remained fertile up to the age of 11 years. The average number of litters whelped per fertile female per year was 0.6 with an average of 5.5 pups born per litter. The population growth was estimated at 10% y-1.</p> <p>Conclusions Such high birth and death rates result in a rapid replacement of anti-rabies immunised individuals with susceptible ones. This loss in herd immunity needs to be taken into account in the design of rabies control programmes. The very small proportion of truly feral dogs in the population implies that vaccination campaigns aimed at the owned dog population are sufficient to control rabies in urban Iringa, and the same may be valid in other, comparable urban settings.</p&gt

    Rabies elimination research: juxtaposing optimism, pragmatism and realism

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    More than 100 years of research has now been conducted into the prevention, control and elimination of rabies with safe and highly efficacious vaccines developed for use in human and animal populations. Domestic dogs are a major reservoir for rabies, and although considerable advances have been made towards the elimination and control of canine rabies in many parts of the world, the disease continues to kill tens of thousands of people every year in Africa and Asia. Policy efforts are now being directed towards a global target of zero human deaths from dog-mediated rabies by 2030 and the global elimination of canine rabies. Here we demonstrate how research provides a cause for optimism as to the feasibility of these goals through strategies based around mass dog vaccination. We summarize some of the pragmatic insights generated from rabies epidemiology and dog ecology research that can improve the design of dog vaccination strategies in low- and middle-income countries and which should encourage implementation without further delay. We also highlight the need for realism in reaching the feasible, although technically more difficult and longer-term goal of global elimination of canine rabies. Finally, we discuss how research on rabies has broader relevance to the control and elimination of a suite of diseases of current concern to human and animal health, providing an exemplar of the value of a ‘One Health’ approach

    Integrating the landscape epidemiology and genetics of RNA viruses: rabies in domestic dogs as a model

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    Landscape epidemiology and landscape genetics combine advances in molecular techniques, spatial analyses and epidemiological models to generate a more real-world understanding of infectious disease dynamics and provide powerful new tools for the study of RNA viruses. Using dog rabies as a model we have identified how key questions regarding viral spread and persistence can be addressed using a combination of these techniques. In contrast to wildlife rabies, investigations into the landscape epidemiology of domestic dog rabies requires more detailed assessment of the role of humans in disease spread, including the incorporation of anthropogenic landscape features, human movements and socio-cultural factors into spatial models. In particular, identifying and quantifying the influence of anthropogenic features on pathogen spread and measuring the permeability of dispersal barriers are important considerations for planning control strategies, and may differ according to cultural, social and geographical variation across countries or continents. Challenges for dog rabies research include the development of metapopulation models and transmission networks using genetic information to uncover potential source/sink dynamics and identify the main routes of viral dissemination. Information generated from a landscape genetics approach will facilitate spatially strategic control programmes that accommodate for heterogeneities in the landscape and therefore utilise resources in the most cost-effective way. This can include the efficient placement of vaccine barriers, surveillance points and adaptive management for large-scale control programmes

    Pinning Fields In Amorphous Materials

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    The stress and field dependence of the pinning field Hp of ribbons of the composition Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si 13.5B9 and Co73.5Cu1Nb 3Si13.5B9 is compared with that of the coercivity HC. The similar character of HC(σ) and Hp(σ) indicates a strong correlation between these two properties. At higher external stresses HC(σ) and H p(σ) depend on a premagnetizing procedure. This can be explained assuming a different domain structure.731057275729New University of Lisbon,UNINOVA,Universiteit van Amsterda

    Validity of the N\'{e}el-Arrhenius model for highly anisotropic Co_xFe_{3-x}O_4 nanoparticles

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    We report a systematic study on the structural and magnetic properties of Co_{x}Fe_{3-x}O_{4} magnetic nanoparticles with sizes between 55 to 2525 nm, prepared by thermal decomposition of Fe(acac)_{3} and Co(acac)_{2}. The large magneto-crystalline anisotropy of the synthesized particles resulted in high blocking temperatures (4242 K \leqq TBT_B 345\leqq 345 K for 55 \leqq d 13\leqq 13 nm ) and large coercive fields (HC1600H_C \approxeq 1600 kA/m for T=5T = 5 K). The smallest particles (=5=5 nm) revealed the existence of a magnetically hard, spin-disordered surface. The thermal dependence of static and dynamic magnetic properties of the whole series of samples could be explained within the N\'{e}el-Arrhenius relaxation framework without the need of ad-hoc corrections, by including the thermal dependence of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant K1(T)K_1(T) through the empirical Br\"{u}khatov-Kirensky relation. This approach provided K1(0)K_1(0) values very similar to the bulk material from either static or dynamic magnetic measurements, as well as realistic values for the response times (τ01010\tau_0 \simeq 10^{-10} s). Deviations from the bulk anisotropy values found for the smallest particles could be qualitatively explained based on Zener\'{}s relation between K1(T)K_1(T) and M(T)

    Localized Gradual Photomediated Brightness and Lifetime Increase of Superacid Treated Monolayer MoS2_2

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    Monolayer semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (S-TMDs) have been extensively studied as materials for next-generation optoelectronic devices due to their direct band gap and high exciton binding energy at room temperature. Under a superacid treatment of bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonimide (TFSI), sulfur-based TMDs such as MoS2_2 can emit strong photoluminescence (PL) with photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) approaching unity. However, the magnitude of PL enhancement varies by more than two orders of magnitude in published reports. A major culprit behind the discrepancy is sulfur-based TMD's sensitivity to above band-gap photostimulation. Here, we present a detailed study of how TFSI-treated MoS2_2 reacts to photostimulation with increasing PL occurring hours after constant or pulsed laser exposure. The PL of TFSI-treated MoS2_2 is enhanced up to 74 times its initial intensity after 5 hours of continuous exposure to 532nm laser light. Photostimulation also enhances the PL of untreated MoS2_2 but with a much smaller enhancement. Caution should be taken when probing MoS2_2 PL spectra as above-bandgap light can alter the resulting intensity and peak wavelength of the emission over time. The presence of air is verified to play a key role in the photostimulated enhancement effect. Additionally, the rise of PL intensity is mirrored by an increase in measured carrier lifetime of up to ~400ps consistent with the suppression of non-radiative pathways. This work demonstrates why variations in PL intensity are observed across samples and provides an understanding of the changes in carrier lifetimes to better engineer next-generation optoelectronic devices.Comment: Main document: 15 pages, 4 figures. Supplemental document: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Characterization of the magnetic interactions of multiphase magnetocaloric materials using first-order reversal curve analysis

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    In order to understand the magnetocaloric response of materials, it is important to analyze the interactions between the different phases present in them. Recent models have analyzed the influence of these interactions on the magnetocaloric response of composites, providing an estimate value of the interaction field that is consistent with experimental results. This paper analyzes to which extent magnetization first-order reversal curve (FORC) method can be used to calculate these interactions. It is shown that the different field ranges that are explored using these techniques (inside the hysteretic region for FORC; close to magnetic saturation for magnetocaloric effect) produce interaction field values that differ in order of magnitude, with FORC being sensitive to the lower values of the interaction field and magnetocaloric analysis accounting for the larger interactions

    A cross-sectional study of factors associated with dog ownership in Tanzania

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    Background: Mass vaccination of owned domestic dogs is crucial for the control of rabies in sub-Saharan Africa. Knowledge of the proportion of households which own dogs, and of the factors associated with dog ownership, is important for the planning and implementation of rabies awareness and dog vaccination programmes, and for the promotion of responsible dog ownership. This paper reports the results of a cross-sectional study of dog ownership by households in urban and rural communities in the United Republic of Tanzania. Results: Fourteen percent (202) of 1,471 households surveyed were identified as dog-owning, with an average of 2.4 dogs per dog-owning household. The percentage of dog-owning households was highest in inland rural areas (24%) and lowest in coastal urban communities (7%). The overall human: dog ratio was 14: 1. Multivariable logistic regression revealed that households which owned cattle, sheep or goats were much more likely to own dogs than households with no livestock. Muslim households were less likely to own dogs than Christian households, although this effect of religion was not seen among livestock-owning households. Households were more likely to own a dog if the head of the household was male; if they owned a cat; or if they owned poultry. Dog ownership was also broadly associated with larger, wealthier households. Conclusion: The human: dog ratios in Tanzania are similar to those reported elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa, although cultural and geographic variation is evident. Estimation of the number of owned dogs, and identification of household predictors of dog ownership, will enable targeted planning of rabies control effort